(KNOXVILLE, Tenn.) The McNabb Center invites the community    to support its virtual campaign this April during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM).

Every 73 seconds, someone in the United States is sexually assaulted and nationally, only 23% of those assaults are reported to law enforcement.

“Often times survivors of sexual assault remain silent about the abuse out of fear and feelings of guilt and shame,” said Leann Human-Hilliard, regional clinical vice president. “This is why it is important to join together as a community and raise awareness by taking action, starting conversations and supporting survivors.”

Sexual Assault Awareness Month activities

Friday, April 2, 2021: Declaration of SAAM

Take action and help spread awareness to prevent sexual violence. Share your support on social media by posting a selfie of yourself participating in our 2021 SAAM activities using the hashtags #SAAM and #SACET.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021: Teal Day

The community is encouraged to wear teal, the awareness color of sexual assault, and share pictures on social media using the hashtags #TEALout and #McNabbgoesTEAL

Wednesday, April 7, 2021: Start by Believing Day

The community is encouraged to unify around one message for survivors of sexual assault: We believe you! Take the pledge to start by believing at www.startbybelieving.org

Monday, April 12, 2021: SACET virtual Q&A

Join us on Facebook as our Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee (SACET) staff share their expertise and answer questions through a virtual presentation.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021: Red My Lips Day

The community is invited to help raise awareness for sexual assault by wearing red lipstick as part of the national “Red My Lips” movement. Learn more about the “Red My Lips” campaign at www.redbylips.org

Wednesday, April 28, 2021: Denim Day

The community is encouraged to wear denim and share pictures on social media using the hashtag #DenimDay. To learn more about national Denim Day, please visit www.demindayinfo.org

For more information about the Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee (SACET) or Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), please follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SACETN

To make a financial gift to SACET, please text (insert number here) or visit mcnabbcenter.org/donate and select Sexual Assault Center of East Tennessee under “Fund/Campaign.”

The McNabb Center is the region’s leading nonprofit provider of mental health, substance use, social and victim services. By focusing on an individual’s “Well Mind, Well Being,” we provide a quality and compassionate approach to care from infancy through adulthood. Since 1948, the Center has proudly served individuals with the most needs and fewest resources. Today, the McNabb Center delivers support to more than 30,000 people throughout East Tennessee each year. For more information, visitwww.mcnabbcenter.org or call 1-800-255-9711.